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Brief des Zentrums für Computerlinguistik der Karlsuniversität Prag
We have been informed that the Rector and the Council of
the University of Basel have announced that they are planning to close,
among other institutes, also that of SLAVISTICS. We have been shocked by this announcement, since for several
years we have had very good and intensive contacts with the Institute
of Slavistics of your university and we know that it is a highly competitive
and efficient institute with a long tradition. The level and intensity
of its activities in research and in education belong to the best not
only in Switzerland, but in the whole of Europe. Moreover, the domain
of Slavistics is unusually extended and complex (including significant
specific subdomains from the typological characteristics of grammar to
great tradition of Slavic literatures), so that the institute naturally
and necessarily cooperates with several other institutes of your university,
which would thus loose a very important and relevant component of its
profile. Prof. PhDr Petr Sgall, DrSc; Dr.h.t.mult.
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