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Brief von Prof. Dr. Laura A. Landa (University of
North Carolina)
Dear Prof. Dr. theol. Ulrich Gaebler, Dr. phil. Rolf Soiron
and Frau Prof. Annelies Hacki-Buhofer,
I have recently heard that there is a proposal to close the Slavisches
Seminar at Basel University. I am sure that there has been some mistake,
since this is a prominent program with an international profile, including
the recognized Journal Slavica Helvetica.
I am writing to recommend that a Professional investigation of the efficacy
of the Slavisches Seminar be conducted, in consultation with a selection
of major scholars in the field. This would give you a chance to collect
valuable information about the program and to make an informed decision
about its future. Forcing the sudden closure of a program without an investigation
is an unprecedented act, and presents the risk of causing irreparable
damage to the reputation of Basel University äs a whole. Our universities
are precious, yet fragile intellectual reservoirs for our societies and
for the world. Expertise such äs what you have at Basel University
has taken many decades to build, and once destroyed it will be very difficult,
if not impossible to restore.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura A. Janda
Professor of Slavic Linguistics
Director of Slavic and East European Language Resource Center
University of North Carolina
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