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Brief von Prof. Dr. W. Todd (Harvard University) an den Rektor
Dear Professor Gaebler, You have, I am sure, received many expressions of dismay at the announced closing of the Slavic Seminar. I would like to add my voice to theirs. The Slavic Seminar has been one of the real centers of serious scholarly innovation in the Slavic field, and I have followed its work with admiration for a number of years. Professor Guski has done important work on the Soviet novel, and Dr. Schmid's work on autobiography has anticipated work that I had hoped that I and my students might do ourselves. Most recently, the Slavic Seminar has begun work on literature and commerce that has received world-wide attention, becoming the subject of special publications, seminars, and conferences in Moscow, in New York, at Harvard, and at Northwestern. The "New Economic Criticism" which the Slavic Seminar has pioneered, is, arguably, the most vibrant new critical approach in Russian studies. This September I and over a hundred Slavists from around the world will be coming to Switzerland for a major conference on Dostoevsky; it has been organized by the Slavic Seminar at the University of Basel and the Slavic Department at the University of Geneva. This is another indication of the Slavic Seminar's importance and visibility in our field. Your Slavic Seminar, in short, is a major international resource, and it deserves support and encouragement. Respectfully yours, William Todd
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